Pre-development Is Now in Progress!
Jun 20, 2024If you're curious, time to get serious about becoming a home buyer. Our beautiful 40-home Village will be built right under this double rainbow. Maybe it’s a sign you should reserve a home now!
With our permitting processes picking up speed, we are excited to announce that we’ve entered into an important stage: pre-development! This means that we’re working with construction and financing experts to nail down construction costs, financing, and timelines. So, when the permits come through, we’ll be ready to break ground.
As we move closer to our construction start, if you are interested in purchasing a home and living in our agrivillage, then now is the time to begin the process to reserve your home. Regardless if you are a farmer, artisan, office professional, work-from-homer, or none-of-the-above, you can be a homeowner in our vibrant multigenerational community.
Join our next info session here to learn how you can take the next steps toward becoming a member and owning a home. If you sign up but can’t attend, we will send you the recording — but we’d love to see you there to learn more about you and to answer your questions!